Saturday, 2 April 2016


Well the Finnish leg is all but over - Oslo tomorrow, but cannot leave without expressing some thoughts.

My experience here has found nothing but a sense of real openness, a desire to communicate and pride in a sense of 'the civic'; being part of something larger than the individual.

Taxi drivers that can articulate Aalto's entire catalogue, a Chef who narrated the tale of Aalto's brick. An Archivist that laid layer upon layer of Aalto's density upon me, all in the sense of sharing his experience. A guide who shared details and anecdotes, deepening my understanding.

A whole bunch of people, never met before, who seemed genuinely interested in strangers.

And a culture that seems to believe in the collective ahead of self. 

Swimming in Aalto's pool - sublime. A sauna with the guys - felt like the new kid in the playground. Much Macho, water on the fire, the dudes were on lager and vodka....and as I was unaware of subtle protocols it was all a bit...well naked! Took me to my edge, which is good.

And as for Aalto, well my appreciation has grown incrementally from a high base. Every corner turned exposes more. 

Kahn once wrote 'A striped pained horse is not a Zebra'. 

Aalto remains unadorned but profound.

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