Saturday, 2 April 2016


If the number of images taken are a measure of the day (and perhaps that is not always the case) then today has been a stonker!!!!!

Three Aalto buildings; the Aalto House ( Riihitie 20) (1935/6), the Aalto Studio, (1955) and the Academic Bookshop (1961-1969), added to a visit to Artek and then onto Kiasma by one Steven Holl.

In the words of James Brown - 'If that don't turn you on you ain't got no switches baby.'


Liisa, our fantastic and VERY knowledgeable Aalto guide provided layers of fascinating commentary for the Riihtie Project....

And to the Studio....

Practice Rubber stamps for drawings.....

Light and ventilation separated....


Samples everywhere....

Prototypes everywhere....


Naturaly top lit display space.....


More prototypes....

Rigour in detail- the entry step and bootscrape with channel under.....

And the plinth as mediator.... 

The wall as benchmark.

And onwards to the Academic Bookshop (1961-1969)

With reading niches where you can fall in love with a book you did not know existed.... 

And so to Kiasma (Steven Holl) .....

The marble slab where any visitor leaves the stain of their visit......

And finally ARTEK.....

Where my credit card was teased from my wallet like a thief in the night......

  Some day!

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